The Perfect Chicken Coop

Your chicken coop set up is more than a place for your chickens to eat and sleep. In addition to being a safe and comfortable home, your chicken coop will need to provide adequate space, ease of use, and protection from weather and predators. We understand that encompassing all of these elements may seem slightly overwhelming if you’re a beginner. However, by following these simple guidelines, we’re certain that you’ll feel more aware and confident about what your chickens and their future home will need. If you’re bringing your first chicken home soon, or have newly hatched chicks, you’ve probably given some thought to where your chicken is going to live. Chickens live happily outdoors and enjoy the ability to free range. The important thing is that their chicken coop is built to last with quality materials as well as consideration of your local climate. Adequate ventilation as well as wind/snow protection will ensure that your birds stay healthy and safe through every se...